Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ouch, My Toe

So, I have been steadily building up my running base and today, went for my first over 10 km run. I did 12 km, adding that to the 8 km I did yesterday and the short runs I took on my lunch hours, I've clocked 25 km in one week. And I did a Yogo-Pilates class on top of that! I hurt. My upper abs hurts. My glutes hurt. My right big toe hurts. I have a yucky looking blister on it. I put Vitamin E and a band-aid on it. I remember now that when I trained for a half-m back in 2003, my toes bled near the end of my training. Its a sock issue, so I'm going out to buy some Nike socks this week. They are the best in my humble opinion (IMHO). I also have a headache because I didn't drink enough water. Typically I don't hydrate at 10 km or less, mostly because I hate carrying a water bottle. I have a MEC water system, but I hate the feeling of water slooshing around in a bottle on my back. I'll have to suck it up though.

I've been doing about 15 - 20 km a week for the last month, appr. My legs are slimming down, my abs have re-appeared. My muffin top disappeared. And my booty back in shape again. First time since Jackson was born! So the weight-loss side effect of training is very very welcome.

Now, I just have to keep my week-day routine (hills and speed) and starting two weeks from now, I'll add a kilometre onto each Sunday's run. And invest in some bandaids and Advil.

Life is good.

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