Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Knees and Toes

Not long to go now! May 10 is zooming up fast. I'm up to 16 Km on my Sunday run. So far, I've had very few muscle or joint problems, aside from my pedestrian accident in my driveway. That injury is gone, but the lingering after effect is that I can't fully pull my right foot up to my ass. This is a very important running stretch. So I do it slow and careful, and pull it as far as it feels comfortable. It doesn't hurt any other time, so it's all good.

I typed much more than this, and then it disappeared. I have no time to write it again. :-) All is going well. My pace is improving. My endurance rocks. I feel great. Beauty is Truth and Truth Beauty. That be all ye need to know. (Yeats)

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